B2B Marketing Channels

Part #5


B2B channel marketing is an essential part of your broader B2B marketing strategy as channels act as the fundamental mechanisms for bringing your target audiences and organisation together. Whether it’s your brand, your content, or your campaigns – without marketing channels your strategy will fall flat and struggle to gain traction.

B2B channel marketing can be largely grouped into two major categories – inbound and outbound. Think of inbound channels being designed to ‘pull’ target audience towards your brand and outbound channels being designed to ‘push’ your brand towards target audiences.

Part #5.1 – B2B Website

This inbound channel is your main digital ‘window to the world’ and will commonly be your go-to marketing channel – in fact, many other channels act as mechanisms for supporting your website, so its importance needs no explanation.

Part #5.2 – B2B SEO/Organic Search

SEO is the process of ensuring your website, landing pages, web entities and content is visible on search engines and to your target audiences.

Part #5.3 – B2B PPC/Paid Search

Whereas SEO is the process of gaining search engine visibility through the means of an ‘organic’ methodology – PPC is a ‘paid’ version of placing your brand in front of target personas on search engines

Part #5.4 – Display Advertising

Whereas paid search/PPC is primarily focussed on serving text-based ads on SERP’s, display ads are graphic/media-based and are served across a multitude of different web entities and locations that you can define.

Part #5.5 – B2B Social Media Marketing

Imagine a digital platform that facilitates the harmonisation of your organisation with hundreds of millions (and even billions) of people around the globe – that is B2B social media.

Part #5.6 – B2B Email Marketing

Still one of the most effective channels in the B2B space, email marketing is a workhorse for your brand and campaigns allowing you to communicate with your target audiences directly.

Part #5.7 – B2B Expo & Virtual Events

Regardless of type, this channel is essential for directly connecting with your target audience.

Part #5.8 – B2B PR & Influencer Marketing

This channel is key in building your brand reputation and credibility amongst target audiences in your chosen markets.

Continue to Part #5.1 B2B Website or Go Back