B2B Marketing: The Complete Guide

A 30,000+ word guide to B2B marketing covering the full spectrum including strategy, content, channels, campaigns and process.

Ten Core Parts

This complete guide contains 10 core parts.

Introduction: B2B Marketing Fundamentals

Learning the key elements to B2B marketing and the underlying attributes that characterise the discipline.

Part #0: B2B Marketing Strategy Framework

Discovering the eight key components to consider when building your strategy.

Part #1: B2B Marketing Objectives

Defining your purpose and what you are trying to achieve. Topics incude objectives, goals & tasks.

Part #2: B2B Marketing Intelligence

Understanding your target market and landscape. Topics include customer, industry & competitor research.

Part #3: B2B Branding

Shaping your story, value proposition and identity. Topics include brand strategy & visual/verbal ID.

Part #4: B2B Content Marketing

Engaging with your target audiences and partners. Topics include planning, creating, distributing & measuring.

Part #5: B2B Marketing Channels

Reaching your key target markets and the marketplace. Topics include SEO, PPC, Website, Social, Email and more.

Part #6: B2B Marketing Campaigns

Converting your targets into qualified opportunities. Topics include inbound, integrated & ABM campaigns.

Part #7: B2B Marketing Processes

Operating the marketing function and your team. Topics include automation, marketing funnel & sales pipeline.

Part #8: B2B Marketing Measurement

Optimising your broader marketing plan and strategy. Topics include brand, content, channel & campaign metrics.

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From established Fortune 500 giants to emerging start-ups, B2B organisations need to optimise the way they both build and sustain customer relationships. With the business world continuing to evolve – now is the perfect time to take commercial advantage of the opportunities arising from the rapid acceleration of digital transformation and the shift towards customer-centricity.

To do this, organisations must place renewed focus on the component that drives their ability to interface with both prospective and existing customers — their marketing strategy.

This is a comprehensive guide that introduces and explores each key element of B2B marketing that is accessible to marketers at all stages in their professional career. Designed with marketers in mind, this guide will touch on the three key concepts of marketing; strategy, technology and management.


With most (if not all) premium marketing guides and information sources sitting behind a paywall – there was a clear gap to buck this trend and create a highly valuable asset that is both free and easily accessible.

At Marketing Decode, we believe that this knowledge should be freely available and that open collaboration and information sharing is at the heart of developing effective marketing strategy. Further to this, its difficult to find premium guides that cover the full spectrum of B2B marketing and explain how seemingly separate components all fit together. To evolve as a marketer, it’s critical you comprehend the sheer scale of the profession whilst understanding how to orchestrate multiple pieces – because only then can you build an effective strategy.


Underlying this entire guide is the ‘Eight Spoke Framework’ that introduces the eight core components to B2B strategy, including: objectives, intelligence, brand, content, channels, campaigns, processes and measurement.

Each component is fully explored, giving the reader a full view into the key elements, mechanisms and items that are contained within each. As the reader moves through the guide, they will naturally identify how components work together and how they can assemble their own strategy to streamline their customer-focus that maximises organisational growth.

“ I Hope You Find Value in This Complete Guide ”

My goal is simple, I want to help B2B marketers become better – and that’s why I created this guide. If you ever want to learn more – just hit me up!
Kai Richards

Start This 30,000+ Word Guide

What are you waiting for? This guide covers all areas from strategy to content, to channels, to campaigns and more.